Release Forms
All Chroniclers and Webministers please utilize the release forms to publish artwork, articles, poetry and pictures.
When in doubt, get a release, better to have one and not have needed it than to have needed it and not have had it.
Releases are sent to the Release Deputy,THL Jonathan Blackbow at
MODEL - Releases On File
Queen Adelhait Fuchs
Baroness Adina von der Heide
Baroness Adriana la Bretonne
Baron Aldemere McRafe
Mistress Alianor atte Redswanne
Count Amos le Pious
Duke Anton Tremayne
Mistress Aodh Adendra Marland
Baron Aradd Ffestiniog
Baroness Asta Knarrarbringa
Baroness Avice Claremond
Countess Bera Thorbjarnardottir
THLady Bessenyei Rozsa
Baron Bor Markovich
Duchess Brianna O Duinn
Duke Bryan of Sacred Stone
Caitlin Irrvisinghern vi Riada
Baron Callixtus Gill
Mistress Cecilia Blythe
Mistress Ceridwen ferch Owain
Master Chirhart Blackstar
Sir Christeph Krieger
Duke Cuan MacDaige
Danielle of Bedford
Prince Dietrich von Stroheim
Baron Drago Rainulf de Dragonera
Duchess Esa Kirkepatrike
Baron Fergus of Hanna
Lord Gabriel Vladimir Zadorin
Lord Gilbert de Chatillon
Mistress Gisela von Kreuzbach
Baroness Glynis Gwynedd
Lady Gracia Slay
Lady Grazia Morgano
Lady Heather Hrafnsdottir
Mistress Helena of Roxbury Mills
Baroness Isabel
Baroness Isabel d'Avignon
Mistress Iseulte of the Red Cliffs
Mistress Jeanne Tenneur de Bec
THLady Juliana Grene
Duchess Kalisa Aleksandrovna
Countess Kara Olafsdottir
Countess Kari Kryst
Baroness Katharine de la Vache
Baron Kollack von Zweckel
Duke Logan Ebonwoulfe
Duchess Luned of Snowden
Countess Lynette Semere
Sir Marc d'Aubigny
Baron Mastudaira Toshi Yori "Oshi"
Duke Michael of Bedford
Mistress Mordeyrn Tremayne
Baroness Muirelle of Aberdeen
Baron Otto von Schwartzkatz
Duchess Padraigin O hEachach
Duke Ragnarr Blackhammer
Rani Dulcinaya the 'Gypcian
Baroness Rebecca von Zweckel
Robert Schockley
Baron Ronan Mac an Stallair
Duchess Seonaid ni Fhionn
Mistress Sine ni Dheaghaidh
THLady Sophia the Orange
Mistress Sorcha Crowe
Master Talorgen Hersir Napos Wrgost
Princess Thora Heri
Duke Vlad
THLord William Costello
Master William the Younger
Count William Thomas
Baron Wolfgang Monnich von Luppin aka Wolfgang Moennich von Luppin
Countess Ysabella Cacemoine
Sir Aelfred of Cres King William's Dream Scroll Grant Use scroll
Lady Aemilia Rosa letters of marque Grant Use artwork
Aesa Gyldir Grant Use all
THLord Alain de la Rochelle any and all articles Grant Use all
THLady Alexandria Wright no name given - "artwork" Grant Use artwork
Lady Alicia of Cambion Lady Alicia's Cookery Booke Grant Use artwork
Lady Alicia of Cambion firstcourse.jpg, preserves.jpg Grant Use artwork
Lady Alicia of Cambion Lady Alicia's Cookery Booke: Elizabethan Strawberry Preserves Grant Use article
Countess Alysandra the Whyte Moor any and all Grant Use all
Lady Amira of Raven's Cove Amira's scrolls Grant Use artwork
Mistress Ananna Morgan Fair: I do not think that word means what you think it means Grant Use Article
Andrew The Ballad of Pippin the Red Grant Use poem
Lady Annora Hall any and all works Grant Use artwork
Baroness Asta Knarrarbringa full assignment of copyright, any and all articles Grant Use all
Lady Bera in Scarta Children of the Gods Grant Use artwork
Lady Bera in Scarta Archer and the Bees Grant Use artwork
Baron Bor Markovich Grant Use
Sir Bryce de Byram Thoughts on the Cross & Lily Grant Use article
Mistress Celia of Rosedale "Songs in Period" May 2014 Grant Use article
Sir Christian Darmody Documentaion for 15th/16th Century for Midwinter's Revel Grant Use Article
Christianan Iarina Chaykinaia The Nitty Gritty Stain Guide Grant Use Article
Lord Randvér askmaðr aka Randver Askmadr What's Cookin' Grant Use Poem
THLord Hróðgeirr Hrafnsson aka Hrothgar Ravensson any and all articles Grant Use
Lady Teleri Barod aka Teleri the Well-Prepared Storvik, Bloody Storvik Grant Use
Lady Daniela Schwartzhaupt scrolls and any other artwork Grant Use artwork
Mistress Deirdre Fletcher For the Talon and website for barony of Hawkwood Grant Use all
Drynnith Mikhailovna Opal scroll Grant Use artwork
Eadaoin an Fheadha inghean Ui Sheghdha Ruby Joust III scrolls (x4) (Acorn only) Grant Use artwork
Lady Elizabet de Roslyne any and all works for the Talon Grant Use all
Baroness Esperanza Susanna Flecha no name given - "artwork" Grant Use artwork
Mistress Fevronia Murometsa Adventures in Event Dates Grant Use poem
Lord Fionn MacKonnell any and all works for the Talon and website for barony of Hawkwood Grant Use all
Lady Francesca di Corso Roderick's Fettered Crane Grant Use artwork
Lady Francesca di Corso "Burn Notice" Grant Use article
Lord Geffrei Maudeleyne Geffrei's scrolls Grant Use artwork
Lady Gracia Slay Dancing Cat Grant Use artwork
Great Karma Soap Advertisement Grant Use advertisement
THLord Galen mac Cuinnegáin [Gaelan mac Cuinnegáin] Pickled Cabbage Grant Use article
Lord Hattori Shojuro any and all articles Grant Use all
Lady Heather Hrafnsdottir any and all works for the Talon and website for barony of Hawkwood Grant Use all
THLady Helwynn Ivelchild all works written by me Grant Use all
Lady Jeremea Gerber any and all articles Grant Use all
THL Jonathan Blackbow any and all works Grant Use all
Julia Dacia Silva For the Talon and website for barony of Hawkwood Grant Use article/artwork
THLady Katarzyna Witkowska Poeta Atlantiae Letter and Poems Grant Use article
Lord Kryss Kostarev Lochmere's Coronets; for the Dredgings and Lochmere's website Grant Use article
Linda MacDonald "Take a [Dance] Step Back in Time" Grant Use article
Lucy of Smithshall Newcomer's Poem Grant Use poem
Mistress Maaline Renard Deconstructing Villon's Les Regrets de la Belle Heaulmiere Grant Use Article
THLord Madog Hir "Honor Wins The Day" Grant Use poem
THLord Madog Hir Why I Bow The Knee Grant Use article
Lady Maire inghean Dhunchain mhic Oisdealbhaigh Along the Silk Road: Persian Food and Cooking Grant Use Article
Lady Morgaine Ferguson any and all articles Grant Use poem / song
Mistress Margery Winterbourne Doctorate for Mistress Genevieve, Seals Grant Use artwork
Lady Mary Poschet aka Mary Poschette "a grab-bag of tips for finding information on the internet" Grant Use article
Mistress Merwenna de Rannowe Aedan's MoD Peerage Scroll Grant Use artwork
Mistress Merwenna de Rannowe any and all artwork, any and all newsletters/publications Grant Use all
Mistress Merwenna de Rannowe Aedan's MoD Peerage Scroll Grant Use artwork
Mistress Mordeyrn Tremayne any and all works Grant Use all
Mistress Morwenna de Rannowe Letia's Augmentation of Arms Grant Use artwork
THLord Patrick of Kells Quid Novid (QD): Pennsic Perspective Grant Use article
No Known Op Entry Rani Dulcinaya the Gypcian And the Number of Counting Shall Be Three Grant Use Article
No Known Op Entry Rani Dulcinaya the Gypcian Court of Miracles Grant Use song/artwork
Lord Rinaldo Martello deMonte il-Santo Grant Use
No Known Op Entry Robert Shockley all items Grant Use all
THLady Sophia the Orange any and all works Grant Use all
Mistress Sorcha Crowe Packing for Pennsic Grant Use Article
Mistress Sorcha Crowe Quick Meads for Pennsic Grant Use article
Lady Stella da Lodi any and all articles Grant Use Article
Lord Subetai Al-Qulan Various Scribal Artwork Grant Use artwork
Mary "Stew'd Mutton" Grant Use article
Lady Theresa O Cahir any and all articles Grant Use all
THLord William "Abbott" Costello all articles and editorial work for the Mountain Mayhem Grant Use article
Lady Aneka Siltanen [Annika Siltanen] any photos
Baroness Asta Knarrarbringa
THLord Bardulf Rauen
THLord Bardulf Rauen Dulcy with mug
Baron Bor Markovich
Lady Caisséne Ingen Fháeláin [Caisséne Ingen Fháeláin] any photos
Mistress Cecilia Blythe
THLady Cellach Mor
Eadaoin an Fheadha inghean Ui Sheghdha Ottoman Mandala Photograph
Lord Edward Godale Correction: Edward de Meridies aka Edward Godale
Elowin crowning the baron
Lady Grazia Morgano all SCA related photos
Baroness Griele Vanden Burgh Site pictures
Lord Grim Kirk of Greymoor aka Grimkirk ap Greymoor "photographs"
Gwenhwyvar verch Lewis 3 photos from Kingdom Twelfth Night & other photos to be published in Il Tempo
Master Herveus d'Ormonde all photographs found at or Janina's Morses
Lady Kamen
Master Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli any photos
Mistress Mordeyrn Tremayne any photos
Rand Hovmansdottir any photos
Rani Dulcinaya the 'Gypcian Photo: Old Dun Cow Interior
Lady Rhiannon of Raven's Cove Passing the War Standard
Robert Schockley any photos
Lady Sinn Larensdotter any photos
No Known Op Entry Sioda of Highland Foorde Pennsic 43 folder on my Google Drive
THLady Sophia the Orange any photos
Mistress Sorcha Crowe Vigorous ferment and A Braggot, A Mead, A Cider, A Strout and a Malty Ale
Mistress Tannis of Tir-y-don Various pictures
Mistress Tannis of Tir-y-don Various pictures in Highland Foorde newsletter - Undercurrents
Tessa any photos
Lady Theresa O Cahir any photos
Lord Tigernan Mear mac Riatai Chalice 2014
Master Ursus of Anglesey all photos found on website
Wanda Ostojowna 2014 Atlantian 12th Night
THLord William Costello any photos
When in doubt, get a release, better to have one and not have needed it than to have needed it and not have had it.
Releases are sent to the Release Deputy,THL Jonathan Blackbow at
MODEL - Releases On File
Queen Adelhait Fuchs
Baroness Adina von der Heide
Baroness Adriana la Bretonne
Baron Aldemere McRafe
Mistress Alianor atte Redswanne
Count Amos le Pious
Duke Anton Tremayne
Mistress Aodh Adendra Marland
Baron Aradd Ffestiniog
Baroness Asta Knarrarbringa
Baroness Avice Claremond
Countess Bera Thorbjarnardottir
THLady Bessenyei Rozsa
Baron Bor Markovich
Duchess Brianna O Duinn
Duke Bryan of Sacred Stone
Caitlin Irrvisinghern vi Riada
Baron Callixtus Gill
Mistress Cecilia Blythe
Mistress Ceridwen ferch Owain
Master Chirhart Blackstar
Sir Christeph Krieger
Duke Cuan MacDaige
Danielle of Bedford
Prince Dietrich von Stroheim
Baron Drago Rainulf de Dragonera
Duchess Esa Kirkepatrike
Baron Fergus of Hanna
Lord Gabriel Vladimir Zadorin
Lord Gilbert de Chatillon
Mistress Gisela von Kreuzbach
Baroness Glynis Gwynedd
Lady Gracia Slay
Lady Grazia Morgano
Lady Heather Hrafnsdottir
Mistress Helena of Roxbury Mills
Baroness Isabel
Baroness Isabel d'Avignon
Mistress Iseulte of the Red Cliffs
Mistress Jeanne Tenneur de Bec
THLady Juliana Grene
Duchess Kalisa Aleksandrovna
Countess Kara Olafsdottir
Countess Kari Kryst
Baroness Katharine de la Vache
Baron Kollack von Zweckel
Duke Logan Ebonwoulfe
Duchess Luned of Snowden
Countess Lynette Semere
Sir Marc d'Aubigny
Baron Mastudaira Toshi Yori "Oshi"
Duke Michael of Bedford
Mistress Mordeyrn Tremayne
Baroness Muirelle of Aberdeen
Baron Otto von Schwartzkatz
Duchess Padraigin O hEachach
Duke Ragnarr Blackhammer
Rani Dulcinaya the 'Gypcian
Baroness Rebecca von Zweckel
Robert Schockley
Baron Ronan Mac an Stallair
Duchess Seonaid ni Fhionn
Mistress Sine ni Dheaghaidh
THLady Sophia the Orange
Mistress Sorcha Crowe
Master Talorgen Hersir Napos Wrgost
Princess Thora Heri
Duke Vlad
THLord William Costello
Master William the Younger
Count William Thomas
Baron Wolfgang Monnich von Luppin aka Wolfgang Moennich von Luppin
Countess Ysabella Cacemoine
Sir Aelfred of Cres King William's Dream Scroll Grant Use scroll
Lady Aemilia Rosa letters of marque Grant Use artwork
Aesa Gyldir Grant Use all
THLord Alain de la Rochelle any and all articles Grant Use all
THLady Alexandria Wright no name given - "artwork" Grant Use artwork
Lady Alicia of Cambion Lady Alicia's Cookery Booke Grant Use artwork
Lady Alicia of Cambion firstcourse.jpg, preserves.jpg Grant Use artwork
Lady Alicia of Cambion Lady Alicia's Cookery Booke: Elizabethan Strawberry Preserves Grant Use article
Countess Alysandra the Whyte Moor any and all Grant Use all
Lady Amira of Raven's Cove Amira's scrolls Grant Use artwork
Mistress Ananna Morgan Fair: I do not think that word means what you think it means Grant Use Article
Andrew The Ballad of Pippin the Red Grant Use poem
Lady Annora Hall any and all works Grant Use artwork
Baroness Asta Knarrarbringa full assignment of copyright, any and all articles Grant Use all
Lady Bera in Scarta Children of the Gods Grant Use artwork
Lady Bera in Scarta Archer and the Bees Grant Use artwork
Baron Bor Markovich Grant Use
Sir Bryce de Byram Thoughts on the Cross & Lily Grant Use article
Mistress Celia of Rosedale "Songs in Period" May 2014 Grant Use article
Sir Christian Darmody Documentaion for 15th/16th Century for Midwinter's Revel Grant Use Article
Christianan Iarina Chaykinaia The Nitty Gritty Stain Guide Grant Use Article
Lord Randvér askmaðr aka Randver Askmadr What's Cookin' Grant Use Poem
THLord Hróðgeirr Hrafnsson aka Hrothgar Ravensson any and all articles Grant Use
Lady Teleri Barod aka Teleri the Well-Prepared Storvik, Bloody Storvik Grant Use
Lady Daniela Schwartzhaupt scrolls and any other artwork Grant Use artwork
Mistress Deirdre Fletcher For the Talon and website for barony of Hawkwood Grant Use all
Drynnith Mikhailovna Opal scroll Grant Use artwork
Eadaoin an Fheadha inghean Ui Sheghdha Ruby Joust III scrolls (x4) (Acorn only) Grant Use artwork
Lady Elizabet de Roslyne any and all works for the Talon Grant Use all
Baroness Esperanza Susanna Flecha no name given - "artwork" Grant Use artwork
Mistress Fevronia Murometsa Adventures in Event Dates Grant Use poem
Lord Fionn MacKonnell any and all works for the Talon and website for barony of Hawkwood Grant Use all
Lady Francesca di Corso Roderick's Fettered Crane Grant Use artwork
Lady Francesca di Corso "Burn Notice" Grant Use article
Lord Geffrei Maudeleyne Geffrei's scrolls Grant Use artwork
Lady Gracia Slay Dancing Cat Grant Use artwork
Great Karma Soap Advertisement Grant Use advertisement
THLord Galen mac Cuinnegáin [Gaelan mac Cuinnegáin] Pickled Cabbage Grant Use article
Lord Hattori Shojuro any and all articles Grant Use all
Lady Heather Hrafnsdottir any and all works for the Talon and website for barony of Hawkwood Grant Use all
THLady Helwynn Ivelchild all works written by me Grant Use all
Lady Jeremea Gerber any and all articles Grant Use all
THL Jonathan Blackbow any and all works Grant Use all
Julia Dacia Silva For the Talon and website for barony of Hawkwood Grant Use article/artwork
THLady Katarzyna Witkowska Poeta Atlantiae Letter and Poems Grant Use article
Lord Kryss Kostarev Lochmere's Coronets; for the Dredgings and Lochmere's website Grant Use article
Linda MacDonald "Take a [Dance] Step Back in Time" Grant Use article
Lucy of Smithshall Newcomer's Poem Grant Use poem
Mistress Maaline Renard Deconstructing Villon's Les Regrets de la Belle Heaulmiere Grant Use Article
THLord Madog Hir "Honor Wins The Day" Grant Use poem
THLord Madog Hir Why I Bow The Knee Grant Use article
Lady Maire inghean Dhunchain mhic Oisdealbhaigh Along the Silk Road: Persian Food and Cooking Grant Use Article
Lady Morgaine Ferguson any and all articles Grant Use poem / song
Mistress Margery Winterbourne Doctorate for Mistress Genevieve, Seals Grant Use artwork
Lady Mary Poschet aka Mary Poschette "a grab-bag of tips for finding information on the internet" Grant Use article
Mistress Merwenna de Rannowe Aedan's MoD Peerage Scroll Grant Use artwork
Mistress Merwenna de Rannowe any and all artwork, any and all newsletters/publications Grant Use all
Mistress Merwenna de Rannowe Aedan's MoD Peerage Scroll Grant Use artwork
Mistress Mordeyrn Tremayne any and all works Grant Use all
Mistress Morwenna de Rannowe Letia's Augmentation of Arms Grant Use artwork
THLord Patrick of Kells Quid Novid (QD): Pennsic Perspective Grant Use article
No Known Op Entry Rani Dulcinaya the Gypcian And the Number of Counting Shall Be Three Grant Use Article
No Known Op Entry Rani Dulcinaya the Gypcian Court of Miracles Grant Use song/artwork
Lord Rinaldo Martello deMonte il-Santo Grant Use
No Known Op Entry Robert Shockley all items Grant Use all
THLady Sophia the Orange any and all works Grant Use all
Mistress Sorcha Crowe Packing for Pennsic Grant Use Article
Mistress Sorcha Crowe Quick Meads for Pennsic Grant Use article
Lady Stella da Lodi any and all articles Grant Use Article
Lord Subetai Al-Qulan Various Scribal Artwork Grant Use artwork
Mary "Stew'd Mutton" Grant Use article
Lady Theresa O Cahir any and all articles Grant Use all
THLord William "Abbott" Costello all articles and editorial work for the Mountain Mayhem Grant Use article
Lady Aneka Siltanen [Annika Siltanen] any photos
Baroness Asta Knarrarbringa
THLord Bardulf Rauen
THLord Bardulf Rauen Dulcy with mug
Baron Bor Markovich
Lady Caisséne Ingen Fháeláin [Caisséne Ingen Fháeláin] any photos
Mistress Cecilia Blythe
THLady Cellach Mor
Eadaoin an Fheadha inghean Ui Sheghdha Ottoman Mandala Photograph
Lord Edward Godale Correction: Edward de Meridies aka Edward Godale
Elowin crowning the baron
Lady Grazia Morgano all SCA related photos
Baroness Griele Vanden Burgh Site pictures
Lord Grim Kirk of Greymoor aka Grimkirk ap Greymoor "photographs"
Gwenhwyvar verch Lewis 3 photos from Kingdom Twelfth Night & other photos to be published in Il Tempo
Master Herveus d'Ormonde all photographs found at or Janina's Morses
Lady Kamen
Master Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli any photos
Mistress Mordeyrn Tremayne any photos
Rand Hovmansdottir any photos
Rani Dulcinaya the 'Gypcian Photo: Old Dun Cow Interior
Lady Rhiannon of Raven's Cove Passing the War Standard
Robert Schockley any photos
Lady Sinn Larensdotter any photos
No Known Op Entry Sioda of Highland Foorde Pennsic 43 folder on my Google Drive
THLady Sophia the Orange any photos
Mistress Sorcha Crowe Vigorous ferment and A Braggot, A Mead, A Cider, A Strout and a Malty Ale
Mistress Tannis of Tir-y-don Various pictures
Mistress Tannis of Tir-y-don Various pictures in Highland Foorde newsletter - Undercurrents
Tessa any photos
Lady Theresa O Cahir any photos
Lord Tigernan Mear mac Riatai Chalice 2014
Master Ursus of Anglesey all photos found on website
Wanda Ostojowna 2014 Atlantian 12th Night
THLord William Costello any photos